
The ethical component is placed at the heart of the International University Terre Citoyenne and can be divided into four main lines:

- The liability, or the ability to form and to make choices to improve the lives of citizens;
- the interdependence, which sees us as separate beings, but also deeply dependent and united with our society-world;
- the conviction, advocating the defense of life, human dignity and free will as engines of change and revolt;
- the reliance, or the ability to work collaboratively, networking, co-produced and in collective intelligence.

Through these ethical components the UITC seeks to promote the following values??:

- human dignity: the recognition of human dignity and the promotion and defense of life.
- freedom and critical thinking: freedom, critical thinking, tolerance and vigilance against all forms of fanaticism.
- the ethics of responsibility: the university must be in tune with the concerns of all, promote a certain level of development, engage in community service. The products of the university are public.
- living together: the university should promote education for peace, conflict management, diversity, respect and managing differences. The university should encourage - through educational tools, which remain to be built - the dialogue and cooperation.
- the unity in diversity: culture is pluralistic, open to intercultural dialogue knowledge and attitudes. It makes us aware of the interdependence of our societies.


Vous pouvez consulter aussi le Charte de l'UiTC qui explicite les valeurs sur lesquelles est batie l'UiTC  > Lire la Charte



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