Catalogue de formations 2015-2016

Can EU cap it?

The Common Agricultural Policy has undergone quite a dramatic reform. People that want to have a good understanding of this reform, are obliged to read through a lot of complicated, legal materials (> 1000 pages). More accessible information is scattered. This training brings all information together on a single platform.

The overall objective of the e-learning course is to give an in-depth overview of the new Common Agricultural Policy. Great care is taken to ensure that all information is relevant and academically valid. The course also allows for interaction and discussion among users.

Training goals

− To inform people about the new Common Agricultural Policy

− To offer an easy accessible platform with various learning tools for a wide number of target groups (young people, general public, students, professionals )

− To engage more people in the discussion about the future of food, agriculture and environment protection

Training contents

Module 0 – Introduction.

Brief overview of the objectives of the information measure and presents the course.

Module 1 – The general framework.

Description of the objectives and the general framework of the new CAP.

Module 2 – The Budget .

The aim of this module is to illustrate the budget of the CAP as part of the total European budget and the mechanisms for assuring a fairer allocation of funds. It deals with financial aspects such as flexibility between pillars and convergence between Member States.

Module 3 – Direct Payments.

This module describes the new system of direct payments by presenting its compulsory and facultative components (basic payment, payment for young farmers, redistributive payment, support for areas with natural constraints, voluntary coupled support and small farmer scheme). It also shows the requirements (minimum thresholds, the new concept of active farmer, cross-compliance, agricultural practices) that are necessary to receive direct aids and the process of convergence within Member States.

Module 4 – The Single CMO.

This module analyses the instruments introduced by the CAP for assuring food safety and food security in Europe and supporting farmers to be more competitive. It focuses on market measures to balance the market and help producers at times of market difficulties, schemes to improve access to food, marketing standards, rules related to quality, support for participation by farmers in quality schemes, specific market measures and incentives for cooperation (producer organisations).

Module 5 – Rural Development.

This module deals with the contribution of the new CAP towards economic growth of rural areas and the reduction of territorial disparities. It analyzes objectives and priorities of rural development policy, financing and coordination with other European Funds, contents of Rural Development Programs, networking, monitoring and evaluation.

Module 6 – International context.

In this module, the CAP is evaluated in the context of the world outside Europe. The module analyzes the role of the EU in international trade, world market effects of the CAP, international trade agreements and their effects on European agriculture and the role of Europe concerning the pressing topic of global food security.

Module 7 – National application of the CAP.

This module describes the choices of Member States about the application of discretional rules established by the new CAP. In particular, it gives an overview on how Member States have implemented the new CAP.

Module 8 – The future of the CAP.

The objective of this module is to make an overall evaluation about the CAP and to show its future perspectives.

Pedaogical approaches

For the course we have chosen to offer this as an e-learning course. E-learning is a learning methodology that is rapidly gaining ground. Providing that the information offered is scientifically validated, it offers students from across Europe and indeed the world to access the course, independent of time and place. As it only requires Internet access, it is a very low cost effective way to transfer knowledge. Also, the information offered can be quickly and at low cost be updated, if necessary. It also allows to offer additional learning tools, such as games, video materials and webinars. Students can give direct feed back on the course through surveys. Lastly, the e-learning platform offers the opportunity to engage in discussion forums where they can share there opinions and experiences with experts and fellow students (e-community).

For the course, each module will contain a number of separate “Skill Pills”, i.e. brief lessons on specific topics. All modules are written by renowned academics and experts. Participants have the option to follow individual skill pills, modules or the whole course.

However, only those who decide to follow all modules and reach a given objective in terms of score for the final test of the course will obtain a certificate. For the students the course has the equivalent of 4 ECTS points. The course also includes thematic discussion forums (e-community) as well as the opportunity to visit debated, workshops are follow webinars an specific topics.

The course is open not only for students, but for everybody that is professionally engaged in agriculture, food, environment, rural development and policy. Through the Skill Pill structure users can quickly update their knowledge on specific topics of their interest.


e-learning formation. Access via :

Languages of the classes

English, french, German and Italian


From November 15 2014 - indefinite

Trainig costs

Students: 9,95 euros.Others: 99,95 euros
Discounts of 50% and 75% for project supporters and project partners

Public cible

Students and professionals: no prior training required. Professionals can be anybody involved in agriculture, food, environment, rural development and policy: government officials, academics, researchers, extension workers, consultatns, people working for NGO’s and sector organisations

Organization in charge

Groupe de Bruges

Plantsoen 114, 6701 AT Wageningen -The Netherlands
Web site


Bart Soldaat
+31 317419323

Campus virtuel

Identification de l'utilisateur

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